launch! Save up to -95% on printing cost ! has a new look, a more practical design and more relevant. Also, thenew look come and new features it is possible to order online. You also have videotutorials for installing CISS system.
Speaking as the CISS want to say a few words, and what we needed. The CISS is acontinuous ink supply system is very beneficial to reduce printing costs, it says he canreduce by up to 95% printing costs.
This system is used in inkjet printers and it is to continuously feed the system through ahose connected to external reservoirs.
Once installed this system will make sure that the cartridges will not dry out again andnot have to change them. When tanks are almost empty need to fill, it is difficult toconsume 100 ml of ink very quickly from each tank.
We have a video totorial easy to see how you can install, do not need to be a specialistin the field to do this, watch the tutorial …